Friday, November 28, 2008


image courtesy of
The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway~
Thanksgiving comes again!

The Motley is closed for Thanksgiving! We look forward to seeing you on Monday and wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful break. BUT while you're just hanging out and relaxing this weekend - let me update you...

These past two weeks have been pretty laid back, on the 14th Jocelyn Greene (a local Scrippsie, Scripps '11)played guitar and sang, if you wish to check out her lovely musical stylings check out her music site here. On the 18th we had an art opening with our delicious truffles and some fantastic cheese and crackers. The art was beautiful and most of the work will still be up by the time you get back from break so be sure to check it out when you stop in and get your morning caffeine fix! On the 19th psi chi (psychology club)hosted a valentine's anytime party, where they made valentines and had great snacks and on the 20th the Pomona Jazz Band played (they always seem to be a favorite)played and finally on Tuesday night,the 25th we closed the doors to the Motley, but don't worry we're coming back on Monday with a hot cup of satisfaction. See you then!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

PHOTOS of Belaire and Emi Meyer

Emi Meyer


photographs by Shayna Friedman for the Motley Coffeehouse


So last night BELAIRE played the Motley Coffeehouse and boy, did they ever play... It was incredible! Their upbeat music brought even the studious students in the corner (may have been there to study -- oops!) to get up off their seats and join in the fun. A personal favorite of mine was "You Really Got Me Goin'", which you can check the video for. They also gave us a little sparkling number based on old horror movie soundtracks - surprisingly inspirational...and to be honest not all that spooky. Well, their performance was great and if you missed it you can check out the music you missed on . They weren't the only thing that made this incredible night so magical. Even as the PR manager of the Motley, I was left in the dark about who the opening act would be, so it was much to my delight to hear a new voice that was so great (unfortunately because both the opener and Belaire were so great I had to buy 2 cds...ah to have no money haha) The opening act, Emi Meyer,a Pomono '09 pianist and singer, played incredible folk rock/jazz blues and even one of the songs was a Japanese number she sang on her tour in Japan (yes, she goes to Japan. In fact, she's going in December if you want to catch her). You can catch her again tonight (if you're over 21...) at Hotel Cafè with Alive Russel! Check her out on her website: . Her incredible voice and piano playing really was perfect for the small venue and was a blast to listen to. Emi's opening and Belaire's incredible performance made for a great night of music. Thanks Belaire, Emi Meyer, KSPC, CCLA, and all the Motley customers for helping us host a great night! THANKS EVERYONE!!! I posted some shots of last night above from photos I took throughout the night. I am currently revamping the website to have a photoalbum so I'll let you know when that's up so you can see all the photos from last night, opening, etc. in much better quality. Hope your night was amazing as well and don't forget KSPC will be having concerts throughout this week and the Motley will be participating in the HARVEST FESTIVAL, tomorrow Nov. 14th from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm with a lot of really great's the lineup:
11 am: Volunteer Resource Fair; Harvesting of Scripps oranges
1 pm: Guest Speaker Tezozomoc of South Central Farms
2 pm: CP&R panel of alumnae in social-justice related careers

Other stuff to do!
Hosted By the Scripps Institute for Sustainable Living:
11:15--Italian Spice Mix Samples
11:30--Green Cleaning Supplies Workshop
11:45--Homemade Beauty Products
1:00--Fast Fudge Demonstration
1:15--Chocolate-Dipped Spoons
1:30--Composting & Recycling Workshop
1:45--Fresh Peppermint Tea Making
2:00--Friendship Bracelet Workshop
2:15--Earring Making Workshop
2:30--Knitting Tutorial
2:45--Sewing Tutorial

for more info on the Harvest Festival, Nov. 14th (11-3)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Things are happening...Big Things!

So this week was pretty big... The RAs hosted an election watching party at the Motley. The energy was amazing and it is official The United States of America now officially has a new president elect...
Senator...wait...I mean... PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA! As a non-partisan, secular safe space the Motley is just proud of everyone who got out there and voted. Thank you for having a voice!

This week also was host to Zach Galainis and tonight a 90s cover band featuring Crystal Basica, Mike Basica, and Greg Jackson will be playing alternative 90s rock from 9 - 11 pm tonight. DON'T MISS OUT!

Coming up this Wednesday, October 12th at 7 pm is: BELAIRE with a surprise opening act!!!! I can barely keep my socks on I'm so excited!

Also this week at the Motley we had employee appreciation week where employees dressed in the coolest costumes. At the end of the week we had a contest and the winning theme shift went to... "RUGRATS!"
who could forget that famous Nickodeon show. Second place went to "Peter Pan" and last but not least third pace went to... "The Harvey Mudders" . All were great and Appreciation week was definitely a success. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Getting Chilly...But We're Just Heating Things Up!

right: photo courtesy of Buck Hollow Farms
Literally...we're steaming drinks out the WAAAAZOOOO.
At a chilly 58 degrees here in Claremont (a laughable temperature in my hometown of Seattle), all I want to do is cuddle by a fire with a nice thick mug of cinnamon apple cider. DON'T WE ALL! Well, you're in luck. You can just pull on those boots of yours and walk those 4 steps down to the Motley Coffeehouse and get your own steamed cider with our cinnamon syrup. So delicious and sure to soothe away any winter chill. Not only are we heating things up with out steam wands, but with some great events...
This Thursday (October 6th) we've got Zach Galainis performing from 9 to 11 pm and then on October 9th we have an alternative 90s rock band...and don't forget BELAIR performing, of ofourse on October 12th at 7:00 pm and then the very next night Jocelyn Greene will give a relaxing acoustic performance. So much music, just the right amount of time!

Now like I said, I've been in the mood these past few days for a steaming mug o' cider... especially with that crazy thunder letting loose on saturday night, but if you are no cider kid maybe try a nice mexican hot chocolate or mexican mocha and add a little spice to your life. Or even try one of my personal favorites, it even used to be called the Shayna (that was how much I liked it) the Mexican Chai. The Mexican Chai is a delicious, but rich dessert drink with mexican chocolate, chai, steamed milk and topped off with dollop of whip and a sprinkle of mexican chocolate powder...DELISH!



"Real Ghost Photo" Mumler photography, early 21st century

Hope your all Hallows Eves were FANTASTIC! So I haven't posted in a while, but that isn't to say that the Motley hasn't been BUSY BUSY BUSY... Last Sunday we had an excellent performance from Shakeh and this evening as I type this the much anticipated Mood Swing Acapella group performs.

On Halloween, dressing up was a given and Blues Underground filled the Motley with dancing bodies from 10 pm late into the night. No Doubt it was a truly magical, perhaps haunting? night for all involved.

Below: Blues Brothers, not blue dancing...

Hopefully your night went well too. On campus there were other events like the mighty Trick or Drink over at Harvey Mudd and Harwood Halloween, a crazy parking garage rave great for any costumed college student! Now why am I getting all excited about Halloween events when I should be talking about the Motley? Well, I happen to love Halloween, but its not just that. Halloween is the very preparation we needed for what's coming this week...

November 2nd - 9th

The costumes you may have seen this halloween are just the tip of the iceberg. For the rest of this week employees will be trading in their jeans and Ts for spandex, tulle, leaves and felt. All week long each shift will have a theme and dress up accordingly. In the past there have been some pretty AMAZING themes such as "Deb Wood's Army", "Cirque de Soleil", "Juno" and many more and this year we hope to see even greater themes. So why not hang out at the Motley all day...Fat chance you'll get bored. See you there and again hope your halloween and Dia De Los Muertos (today) were superb!