So this week was pretty big... The RAs hosted an election watching party at the Motley. The energy was amazing and it is official The United States of America now officially has a new president elect...

This week also was host to Zach Galainis and tonight a 90s cover band featuring Crystal Basica, Mike Basica, and Greg Jackson will be playing alternative 90s rock from 9 - 11 pm tonight. DON'T MISS OUT!
Coming up this Wednesday, October 12th at 7 pm is: BELAIRE with a surprise opening act!!!! I can barely keep my socks on I'm so excited!
Also this week at the Motley we had employee appreciation week where employees dressed in the coolest costumes. At the end of the week we had a contest and the winning theme shift went to... "RUGRATS!" who could forget that famous Nickodeon show. Second place went to "Peter Pan" and last but not least third pace went to... "The Harvey Mudders" . All were great and Appreciation week was definitely a success. Thanks to everyone who participated.
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