So last night
BELAIRE played the Motley Coffeehouse and boy, did they ever play... It was incredible! Their upbeat music brought even the studious students in the corner (may have been there to study -- oops!) to get up off their seats and join in the fun.

A personal favorite of mine was
"You Really Got Me Goin'", which you can check the
video for. They also gave us a little sparkling number based on old horror movie soundtracks - surprisingly inspirational...and to be honest not all that spooky. Well, their performance was great and if you missed it you can check out the music you missed on
http://www.funwithbelaire.com . They weren't the only thing that made this incredible night so magical. Even as the PR manager of the Motley, I was left in the dark about who the opening act would be, so it was much to my delight to hear a new voice that was so great (unfortunately because both the opener and Belaire were so great I had to buy 2 cds...ah to have no money haha) The opening act,
Emi Meyer,a Pomono '09 pianist and singer, played incredible folk rock/jazz blues and even one of the songs was a Japanese number she sang on her tour in Japan (yes, she goes to Japan. In fact, she's going in December if you want to catch her). You can catch her again tonight (if you're over 21...) at Hotel Cafè with Alive Russel! Check her out on her website:
http://www.emimeyer.com .

Her incredible voice and piano playing really was perfect for the small venue and was a blast to listen to. Emi's opening and Belaire's incredible performance made for a great night of music. Thanks Belaire, Emi Meyer, KSPC, CCLA, and all the Motley customers for helping us host a great night! THANKS EVERYONE!!! I posted some shots of last night above from photos I took throughout the night. I am currently revamping the website to have a photoalbum so I'll let you know when that's up so you can see all the photos from last night, opening, etc. in much better quality. Hope your night was amazing as well and don't forget KSPC will be having concerts throughout this week and the Motley will be participating in the
HARVEST FESTIVAL, tomorrow Nov. 14th from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm with a lot of really great events...here's the lineup:
11 am: Volunteer Resource Fair; Harvesting of Scripps oranges
1 pm: Guest Speaker Tezozomoc of South Central Farms
2 pm: CP&R panel of alumnae in social-justice related careers
Other stuff to do!
Hosted By the Scripps Institute for Sustainable Living:
11:15--Italian Spice Mix Samples
11:30--Green Cleaning Supplies Workshop
11:45--Homemade Beauty Products
1:00--Fast Fudge Demonstration
1:15--Chocolate-Dipped Spoons
1:30--Composting & Recycling Workshop
1:45--Fresh Peppermint Tea Making
2:00--Friendship Bracelet Workshop
2:15--Earring Making Workshop
2:30--Knitting Tutorial
2:45--Sewing Tutorial
for more info on the
Harvest Festival, Nov. 14th (11-3)
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