"As an organization of students, we are committed to offering
our resources and space to positively impact our community.
In our business practices we seek to provide quality coffee
beverages and food, using products that come from sustainable
and socially responsible sources whenever possible" - a portion
of the Motley Coffeehouse mission statement
In response to this element of our mission statement, an
initiative to further this goal was enacted in Fall 2009;
We now charge $1 for disposable paper "to-go" cups when
you order a Motley Drink. The Motley hopes to encourage the
entire community to support this policy that has the potential
to decrease our waste output by 6,600 pounds of waste annually
(the amount of to-go cups purchased on average per year). Although
sustainability can be costly, one of the ways in which the Motley can
be of service is to increase accessibility for all. We have increased
accessibility in two ways: we have doubled the number of available
"for-here" mugs at the Motley and/or you can fill out this simple form
and in return, receive a free Motley corn-plastic mug. This way,
whether you choose to stay and enjoy your coffee in-house or need
it fast while you're on the go, you will be able to save money
and the earth!
In return for the free mug, the Motley would like you to answer a
few questions about how the Motley can better serve your community.
Please take your time to provide thorough and thoughtful answers, as
the more detail you provide, the easier it is for us to implement
change! Click below for the link to the questions and you will get
your corn mug in 1,2,3.