As you have probably heard by now, the Motley Coffeehouse will be implementing a policy of charging $1.00 for to-go cups beginning on
October 21, 2009. To support our movement towards sustainable business practices and lifestyles, bring your own mug or enjoy a for-here cup when visiting the Motley!
Please check out our FAQs at the end of this post if you have any more questions, but first we'd like to share the story of how this radical change came about...
The SeedsLast semester we noticed that many people used our to-go cups to get water and then threw them away instead of composting them. We considered instituting a charge for to-go cups whenever someone wanted to use one for water. This led to a greater realization that the majority of our customers got their drinks to-go and were not disposing of these "eco-friendly" cups correctly. The issue with our eco-cups is that if they are not composted, they sit in a landfill like any old paper cup because landfills do not contain the elements (water and oxygen) needed for the cups to biodegrade. This is when we devised several different ways to spread the word about composting. We put compost bins in dorm kitchens, made numerous instructional signs and a video with clear instructions. However, it became apparent that the problem was not our composting system, but the single use mentality in general. This was the tipping point: we had a broken system and it needed to be overhauled.
The SproutsOver the summer and throughout this semester, the Motley managers have been working hard to examine this issue from all angles. Instead of implementing a brash policy without any forethought, we collected concrete data and conducted economic analysis to supplement our passion for sustainability. With the discovery that a mere 5% of our customers bring in their own mug and 80% of our customers get to-go cups, our goal became to reverse this statistic.
YOU can make it Grow!So, now that you know more of the beginnings of this policy, it's time for us to ask you for help. Please know that we took everyone into account when deciding on our finalized policy. We are asking everyone to participate in saving our planet, one small coffee cup at a time. (Because they do add up!) We want everyone to continue to enjoy our drinks and our space! We're asking everyone to think a little more about their personal impact and help us do something great by simply bringing your own mug or opting to stay and use one of our for-here mugs. We realize this change may inconvenience some, and it may take a little time to get used to but we hope that the inspiration it provides to our community, and the positive impact of ridding our coffeehouse of as much waste as possible will out way the drawbacks. Let's start making good habits now so when we all graduate, and travel, and go abroad, we can spread awareness and eventually make a huge change! Don't be one of those college kids who buys into "being green" until you're challenged to change your habits. Most importantly, there are very exciting possibilities around the corner and we invite you to help them become a reality!
Sincerely and with love and care as always,
The Motley
These FAQs have been circulating around campus through different 5C newspapers and blogs, we want to make sure you have access to all the facts so here they are:
Why is the Motley charging for to-go cups?This semester our goal is to revitalize the Motley’s influence by enhancing the space and spirit. The cup policy change aligns with our semester goal and mission statement, because we are promoting environmental and socially conscious practices. A dollar is a minimal cost compared to the amount of damage to-go cups cause to our planet. By translating the cost of damaging the Earth into a small monetary cost, we hope you to convey our concern for the future of our planet and form life long sustainable habits and awareness. It’s not just about the coffee anymore.
Do I still get a discount for bringing a mug or getting it for here?Yes, you still get a discount! We lowered all of our prices by 20 cents so your discount is factored into our base prices.
Where is my money going?The Motley is a non-profit coffeehouse committed to giving back to our community. We financially sponsor individuals and groups to pursue projects and now we’re expanding this program by contributing 100% of our profits from to-go cups to sponsorships.
What if I can’t afford to buy a permanent mug?If you cannot afford this investment, fill out a sponsorship form to receive a free corn mug. Consider it our gift to you. These forms are located on the wall above the bench in the servery. Also, you can always get a for-here cup and hang out!
Why am I paying for a compostable to-go cup that is “good” for the environment?Yes, these to-go cups are biodegradable, but it is completely dependent upon how you choose to dispose of this single-use item. If cups are thrown away they will end up in a landfill, which does not facilitate decomposition. For these cups to biodegrade they must be exposed to oxygen and moisture, which are not present in landfills because the garbage is compressed underground. Even though the Motley encourages you to compost your cup, less than 5% of cups used are actually disposed of correctly and composted. Additionally, the single-use to-go cup requires an enormous amount of energy and resources for its production, transportation, and packaging. When considering the impact of the cups’ entire life cycle and its final destination we can see why the compostable cup is simply a band-aid that promotes out-of-sight out-of-mind mentality.
What else I can do to help? How can I make my opinions known?Keep bringing your own mug and encourage everyone you know to do the same. Give a mug as a love gift. Share your mug love with the world and bring it with you everywhere you go. Please don’t hesitate to email us at motley@scrippscollege.edu with your questions, comments or concerns. Also, we will be holding a public forum to present the reasoning for our policy change to the community and to get feedback. We really value the opinions of our community, so make yours known!