Hey Friends! This is the first Motley blog entry. We thought we would start a blog to keep all friends of the Motley updated on things such as student bakers and when their products are available, events at the Motley and just general updates.
Since it's the first entry, let me just get everyone up to speed. In case, you missed it, our open went off in style. Our theme, the Wizard of Mot was a huge hit as we played music, screened a the Wizard of Oz in the background, and had a great DJ come in!

So this year we have a new manager position, sustainability and networking manager (Laura Shay currently occupies the position). This position is great because she coordinates with student bakers, activist organizations on campus, as well as with the Pomona farm and maintenance to compost our coffee, food, and cups!
Also I am working on fixing up the website to make it more user-friendly and we can try eliminating that paper stuff (think of all the trees...).